SigmaDSP program (Sigma Studio ADAU1701 / 1401A EEPROM standalone self-boat)

Who is a Developer Kit "for the SigmaDSP series of analog devices his own calls, should consider himself lucky - here does the programming, for example, with the"Starlab", easily and quickly." No one has this and want a SigmaDSP (such as the ADAU1701") in the"standalone"aka"Selfboot fashion"operate, faces the task, his in"Sigma Studio"generated code in the boot EEPROM of DSPs to be transferred.A programming can be done in the presence of true parallel or serial ports by means of Minimal adapter and Ponyprog2000 be done, via USB provided virtual ports do not work normally or very slowly (they).

A programming adapter-based remedy here of the CH341A, 4-12 to earn € directly from China or via auction platforms considered which pure "EEPROM burner" in the form of embroidery or as "Multiprotoll adapter" prices currently (26.01.2015).

The latter "Multi Protocol adapter" is as follows:

CH341A Multiprotokoll Adapter Front

CH341A Multiprotokoll Adapter Back

The actual programmed tool "CH341A V1 18", which included the programmers or is available in the network. Linux users can use"CH341Prog“. The conversion of the SigmaStudio EEPROM files in a gebräuchlicheres format (Intel HEX) can be either manually HXD (Reference:) Analog devices engineer zone) or be the own tool "Sigma Studio Hex File Converter".

Sigma hex file Converter Studio

Sigma Studio Hex File Converter V1.0 (Windows X86)

Sigma Studio Hex File Converter Source (Visual Co X86)

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5 Responses

  1. Jon says:

    Thank you so much for this useful tool! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

  2. Robin says:

    Nice .. but .. the “open file” function will only open a file called “E2Prom.hex” … the general “*.hex” filter does not work, no other file names can be opened.

  1. 26. January 2015

    […] […]

  2. 20. June 2016

    […] in a binary that is used by the .hex files. One such utility converts source file in intel hex format that [...]

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