ORWO Negative Film NP 3
Table of Contents
The NP 3 is a very fine-grain recording material of medium sensitivity for outdoor recordings. The remarkable sharpness of contours and the high resolving power offer favorable conditions, e.g. for rear projection recordings. A short drying time is guaranteed by high hardening. The base of the NP 3 is colored gray to increase antihalation protection.
70mm, 35mm and 16mm
Kenn-Nr. 65-
Light marking for all widths:
ORWO S (or ORWO SAFETY or ORWO SECURITY FILM), number of feet, NP 3
15 DIN / 25 ASA
color sensitivity
darkroom lighting
Insertion into the cassettes in complete darkness if possible. Development work with the light of a 15-watt lamp with ORWO darkroom protective filter 108 (dark green) at a distance of at least 75 cm. The film may only be exposed to this light for a few seconds.
Recommended developers
Borax negative developer ORWO 19 or recipe ORWO 12
Source: ORWO cinema and television films III-18-177 Ag 004a/057/64 WP No. 202