DSP-Board SigmaDSP ADAU1701 / 1401A SRC4382 PCM5102A
Table of Contents
In cooperation with stromrichter.org (D amp v. 2) a little DSP Board on the basis of the ADAU1701 (ADAU1401A) is currently being built.
Use of see also:
- SRC4382 (ASRC with S/PDIF transceiver)
- PCM5102A (32 bit 384 kHz stereo DAC with 2Vrms line driver)
- ATTiny85 (8 bit microcontroller)
The basic concept is shown below.
- 2 x analog (ADAU1701 ADC) 44.1/48 kHz
- I2S (via SRC4382) directly or by resampling (32-192 kHz)
- S/PDIF (via SRC4382) directly or by resampling (32-192 kHz), coax/Toslink
- 4 x analog (ADAU1701 DAC) 44.1/48/96kHz
- 2 x analogue (PCM5102A DAC) 44.1/48/96kHz
- I2S (PCM5102A stream)
- Coax/Toslink, S/PDIF, AES (via SRC4382)
Update 15.03.2015
Update 27.01.2017
The hardware of the first revision in pictures.
AGML battery charger
Hi Can I get more information on this board? Also how you program the ADAU1701 ?
Gibt es neues zur DSP-Platine? Der Link zu Stromrichter.org führt nur auf eine Forenübersicht, wo nix zum DSP steht..
Der DSP ist abgeschlossen und läuft. Es sind noch einige Leerplatinen vorhanden.
Hi Can I get more information on this board? Also how you program the ADAU1701 ?
This looks very interesting!
Where can we find some documentation?
What informations are you actually looking for? Regards, Christian
is being developed in the project?
Is an interesting concept.
Would me also, as far as I can take part if there are still problems unfortunately is my know of the atmega not especially Groß
the project is already in place, only the documentation on the page not yet updated.
I bumped into your website.
Nice little board!
Do you know that the PCM5102A also has a ton of DSP functions on board?
There the ADAU1701 may not really needed anymore
Maybe you mean the PCM514x family? The PCM5102A has no DSP functionality at all, it’s a pure DAC.
Das Projekt sieht sehr interessant aus – gibt es dazu schon etwas neues oder eine Möglichkeit sich daran zu beteiligen?
Hi Andreas,
Programming of the ATMega bzzgl. Remote control and digital source switching would be an open point.
Greeting Christian
nice audio design and the news of march 2015 say it’s marching on.
can you tell us if it’s going to be available for everybody?
kickstarter or similar crowdfunding?
There is already a functioning building?
Have the miniDSP 2 × 4 in which also the ADAU1701 seat. Unfortunately, I have problems with the I2S connections.
How to solve you the software side to just filter, etc set to?
6 analog outputs would be ok assuming the pcm510x on board.
I'll keep you updated.
Can you participate in the project? I'm looking for exactly such a configuration for use as a dig. CROSSOVER.
Because it needed a further but still at least dig. Output?